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When Should You Consider a Single Premium Immediate Annuity

Feb 06, 2024 By Triston Martin

Most people will rely on defined contribution plans such as 401(k)s and IRAs for their retirement, but these plans do not provide a steady income for life. Just 15% of private sector workers have access to a pension that may provide them with a steady income.

Single premium instant annuities are similar to pensions in that they provide a steady income for the rest of the annuitant's life. The recipient(s) of the annuity payments are called "annuitants."

It's common for the annuitant to be the same as the owner, although it's not required. The amount of income received from an annuity depends on several factors, including the annuitant's age, gender, the initial investment, and the method of payment selected.

How Does An Immediate Annuity Work With A Single Premium?

Because you are swapping principle for income, immediate annuities are not like other types of investments. In most cases, you won't be able to touch the funds used to buy the annuity once payments have begun.

As we saw previously, the premium of $100,000 would have given the 65-year-old man an annual income of $5,832. That may look like an annual return of 5.83% if you compare it to the rate of return on a savings account.

The return you may expect, though, is far lower. Since the annuity's initial cost can only be recouped through future payments, some of those payments will be seen as a return of principle. Assuming the 65-year-old received payments for 20 years, the rate of return is 1.68%.

Payout Choices

In the case of immediate annuities, you can choose between a few different payout schedules that can be applied to either one or two lives. Joint and survivor options provide income to both annuitants until the death of one of them. Several typical forms of payment are outlined below.

Life Only

An annuitant is certain to receive payments for the rest of their life. After the annuitant dies, the payments stop immediately. The payouts from the life-only alternatives will be more than those of the other choices each month or each year. The longer of two lives, often couples, can be insured under a joint and survivor life policy.

Permanent And Irrevocable

In this case, the annuitant will receive payments for the rest of their life. Typically, an annuity will continue making payments for ten or twenty years after the annuitant's death. This payment might also be designated as joint or survivor.

Refund life

An annuitant is certain to receive payments for the rest of their life. If the annuitant's payments have been less than the purchase price, any difference will be returned upon the annuitant's death.


While most payments from instant annuities are tax-free, their income is subject to regular income tax rates. This is because only the interest component of income from an immediate annuity is subject to taxation.

An Internal Revenue Service actuarial table is used to determine the interest-to-principal ratio. As an illustration, just $832 of a 65-year-old man's yearly $5,832 salary is subject to taxation.

Judging Insurance Agencies

The insurance firm's promises are only as solid as the firm's financial strength. This is why investing in an instant annuity from a reliable insurance provider is crucial.

Varieties of Immediate Annuities with a Single Premium

Single premium instant annuities can be either deferred or non-deferred.

Immediate Fixed Annuities

Payments for a fixed instant annuity are established when the purchase payment is made to the insurance provider. Your annuity payment is fixed and depends on factors like age, gender, and whether or not you choose a payment type like life alone or life with a certain period.

Immediate Annuities with Variable Rates

Payments from a variable immediate annuity depend on the success of the assets you select. In light of this, some years may see a greater or lesser revenue than others. Insurance companies determine the first variable income payments from an annuity based on the annuitant's age and gender and the AIR. Your payment may increase if the returns from the investments you choose exceed the projected interest rate.

Single-Premium Immediate Annuities: Worth It?

The fear of "being broke in retirement" ranks as seniors' top financial worry, per a 2019 Association of International Certified Professional Accountants poll. The risk of running out of money is mitigated by immediate annuities, which provide a steady stream of income for the remainder of your life, at the very least.

They can be used to supplement income from un guaranteed sources, such as dividend-paying mutual funds, or to complement guaranteed sources of income, such as Social Security and pensions.

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